Monday, October 13, 2008

Where is this going?

Life is a voyage that's homeward bound.
-Herman Melville (1819-1891)
  So I'm in a bar in Bandon Oregon. I'm broke, witch means that I'v had to  resort to drinking P.B.R(Papst Blue Ribbon) I don't know anyone in here and I'm beginning to wonder why I put myself in this place.  A few days ago, I decided that I wanted to hitch down the coast to San Francisco. I don't know where I'm going after that, and I don't know how I'm going to make any money when I get there. I'm down to fifty bucks. In fact, I don't even know where I will sleep tonight. I don't know if I'm being foolish and I should just go home and settle down. I just don't know what I want to do with my life right now. 

In any case, this is my travel blog. It wont be pretty(as far as spelling and grammar go). But this is it. 

I guess I should start with a brief recap of the last four months. In June, i went up to AK and worked on a gill net site. After that I just hitch hiked all over the Kenai peninsula with my friend Michael. Then I made my way back to Washington and crashed on a friends couch for a few weeks. After that I went up to Vancouver B.C., Where I met Tracey and her fiends. The highlight of that, was getting drunk and riding bikes all over down town Vancouver, twice! From there I went down to Portland OR and hung out with Amanda, Kalen, John, Rachael, and Andrew. We went to a crazy dance club and I danced with a lot of interesting people. (I totally Danced with a tranny). Then I went to Astoria and stayed with Andrew for four nights. From there I started hitching down the 101 with the intention of getting to San Francisco. But I'm not there yet. So far I'v been picked up by loggers, fishermen, Surfers and a very crazy man(I had to sneak out of his car while he was in a church asking for money).

And so, I guess that puts me here, in a bar rethinking everything, but way too broke to turn back now.

I'll keep updating this as thing develops.

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